Sunday, March 29, 2009


Brady has accomplished what Zoolander himself could not. Let me explain....
I had put Brady in his carseat at nap time after one too many times of trying to convince him to stay in his bed. I went back in to check on him and he trying to say something to me about his diaper. I take a moment to try to figure it out and for a moment am completely confused. He looks completely normal- fully clothed, still strapped in. Then I glance to the side of his carseat. His diaper is laying on the floor. I look back at him to double check that I'm seeing everything correctly. Yep, pants on, fully strapped in. I'm not exactly sure how he did it, but he has pulled off Hansel's infamous runway move. I was impressed.


  1. crazy! how did he do it? I'm quite impressed.

  2. Wicked skills! Oh and I LOVE the new layout.

  3. I'd say he 1-upped Hansel. He did it Houdini style while being strapped into a carset! He must have spoken to the great spirit too.
