Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Time flies

Wow. I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I've posted anything on here. I guess I'm not doing a good job keeping y'all in the loop. We haven't been insanely busy here or anything, but there have been some noteworthy happenings. Kellen and I went away for the weekend a while back with some of the other ladies in our community. It was really fun, even if I did return home a little sleep deprived. (one of the other babies had a rough time of it at night) On Sunday we went to one of the tulip fields and enjoyed walking around and taking in all the flowers. That is, until I discovered Kellen had decided to end the experience with a big bang. He had the most disgusting blow-out diaper. Mind you, I was wearing him in the Baby Bjorn. I had put my hand down on his foot and felt something wet. I thought he had spit up again, but oh no! I looked down and saw lovely, yellow baby poop. We all booked it back to the car. He had it down his front, out the sides and completely up his back, thoroughly saturating his onesie. Let me tell you, changing a poopie kid in the backseat of a car while he's trying to squirm away from you is SO much fun! Then I had to change my shirt (thank goodness I had brought an extra one) in a parking lot full of people. Oh well, I have a good story now, right? :) These are some pictures from the weekend, thanks to my amazing friend Lindsay.

In other news, Kellen has officially started eating rice cereal. He's only had it two times, but he likes it! I have a video I'll post when I get around to getting on the computer. He is very excited about it, he just has to figure out how to swallow the stuff! He is also starting to really enjoy his jumper thing (the one that goes in the doorway). Which I'm excited about because he's not digging his little bouncy seat very much anymore.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter egg hunt

Man! I'm on a roll this morning! Blog number three. I guess that means I haven't been doing so well at keeping this updated. I just wanted to write one more quick little post about Brady's first egg hunt. We went to our friend's house for some egg hunting and a nice lunch. He didn't really get the concept of grabbing as much as he could as quick as he could (which is just fine by me). He picked up the first egg and shook it, then opened it because he had to see what was inside making the noise. Krista and I convinced him that he could open them later to check things out. It was pretty funny trying to direct him to the eggs but still letting him be the one to find him. The picture I'm posting is a favorite because he's looking so intently for an egg when there is one right next to him. The kids also had some fun with bubbles. Scented bubbles! Who knew there was such a thing?

Constant entertainment

Brady is my source for much amusement. (and frustration, but that's another blog.) I don't know where he comes up with some of this stuff, but it cracks me up. Here is a short list of things he has done lately that I find particularly entertaining.

1. He has a toy microphone and was going around the house "singing" all morning. (singing = yelling into the mic) I guess he decided hanging on to the mic was too much work or something because the next time I turned around I found he'd come up with this clever way to be hands-free. The second picture is him singing into the mic- no need to remove it from it's handy new holder!

2. Brady was coloring. I heard him say something about taking off his sock. I turned around and found him with the marker wedged between his toes. I'm pretty certain he's never seen this done before.

3. I don't know if you can watch a show in any cooler fashion.

4. These last pictures are not necessarily funny, but just too cute. It was actually nice here and we went outside to enjoy the sun. Brady had lots of fun using sidewalk chalk and I had lots of fun taking his picture and watching him be cute.

family date

A couple of weeks ago, on Alex's Thursday off, we decided to go and ride the lightrail with the boys and use a gift certificate we've had forever to Hello Cupcake (a little cupcake bakery) downtown. We knew Brady would love riding on the "train" and who doesn't love a yummy, free cupcake? It was a fun outing and it didn't rain on us! Score!