Monday, January 5, 2015

Today, so far.

Gavin is on fire with the funny today. I was feeling all sentimental, talking to him earlier about how 13 years ago, I got married and...he interrupts me to ask "Who did you get married to?". HA! Just a little while ago, Alex was home for lunch and had the following conversation:
Alex- "Did you know in a few weeks, you'll be turning 4?!??"
Gavin- "How many days is that?"
Alex- "23"
Gavin- super serious "Is that close to infinity?"
Oh, my does this little man crack me up!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Back in the saddle?

I (kind of) recently helped Brady put together a timeline of his life for school. The time spent looking over the calendar of his first year where I filled out questions about his first word, books he liked etc. made me realize that I don't even know what Gavin's first word was. *GASP* I'm not going to remember the things I don't document. So, I'm going to try. Because I never want to forget how he calls root beer "root beard". Or that Kellen lost his first tooth right before he turned 6. Or that Zoe is now officially rolling over! I want to treasure these little things. I want to remember. And not worry so much about how long a post is. Or if it's funny or I said things in just the right way. Or even if anyone ever reads my post or leaves a comment. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives. Or something like that. ha