Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well, I haven't posted in awhile, and I'm going to do an "official update" later on, so I thought I would post pictures of some of the various activities I have found Brady doing when I come back from changing Kellen's diaper, putting Kellen to bed or even just using the bathroom. Enjoy!

Packing himself in mamma's bag.

Brady found the hat and put it on himself. Here he is practicing his "blue steel".

And my personal favorite (he was fully clothed and did NOT have slippers on when I left him)....


  1. you had me laughing out loud with my roommates over that last one. Then they decided that I'd also have a kid who would get spontaneously naked and I had to put the kibosh on that.

  2. Who doesn't like riding a bike naked with slippers on?

  3. Your comment concerns me Laura....

  4. oh come on. I have to send you a photo. Our children are destined to be best friends.

  5. AHHHHH!!! yes, naked brady... a common occurrence.

  6. also, great shot... love it - this belongs in a wedding slideshow someday. ;)

  7. I bet if motorcyclists all rode naked they would be much more inclined to make safer decisions. He's trying to make a statement about road safety I bet.

  8. Yes, he's all about making statements.
