Tuesday, September 22, 2015

In case you don't know, now you know. Or, my thoughts on the launch team.

So, you may have seen around the interwebs that I had the privilege of being part of the launch team for Jen Hatmaker's new book "For The Love". (if you haven't read it yet, stop reading this and go get your hands on it. It's real good.) I filled out the application thinking it'd be pretty sweet to be able to read the book early because I really like the way she writes. And then I'd get to tell people about it. Period. OHMYGOODNESS. That is not even close to what happened. There was a facebook page created for the launch team of 496 women and 4 men. 500 people excited about a book and being chosen = a lot of notifications. Whooo boy. It was seriously overwhelming and slightly intimidating.

Many have shared how the group took on a life of it's own and grew in to a community that no one expected. And this is true. I just have to add my two cents. In the midst of being overwhelmed and intimidated, I confess I thought the group was a little much. I didn't buy it. I mean, I was happy to get my book and all. But there was no stalking of the UPS driver or shrieking when it arrived. It had me wondering if maybe I wasn't exactly qualified to be a part of the team. Not to mention this whole business of online community. Making friends in real life is hard enough. I just have never really understood having internet friends. (Don't you just love the irony here? I have, oh, approximately 500 now. God is funny like that.) I bought in to the lie that somehow it's harder to know if people are being authentic online. So when people started diving in and sharing prayer requests and hard life stuff, I was skeptical. And as friendships formed and people started celebrating with each other and such, I doubted. Maybe it's because I am blessed with community that knows me that I was hesitant to dive in, to really believe this was actually happening in our little online group. I don't know. But it took me a long time to be truly convinced that these people were really being real.

When someone threw out the half-joking, half-not idea that Jen should host a launch party at her house, I laughed. When Jen actually invited everyone to her house, I think I laughed harder. In my mind, I automatically wasn't going. Um, spend how much money to go hang out with how many strangers? I am not that girl. (Again, God is funny.) I didn't even share the idea with my husband. At first anyways. But God was doing something. (I know, SHOCKER!) The longer I was part of the group, the more I became convinced that I was seeing the "realness" of these people, my people. The unbridled and ridiculous excitement, the crazy ideas and creativity to make them happen, the celebrating and grieving together, and man, the GENEROSITY. Seriously. I could probably write a whole other post that dives in to this and what an amazing picture of the heart of Christ it is.  I need a job just to pay for all the swag and trips and fun this group comes up with. That is definitely not "on my beam" (seriously, read the book), so I have opted out of all the extra goodies. EXCEPT I HAVEN'T. Because these ladies (and men) are ridiculously generous. I have been blessed with a launch team shirt, a fun mug swap care package and part of my trip to Austin gifted to me. Yeah, you read that right.

I somehow had missed the post (I'm not sure how! It's not like there a 5 bajillion posts a day or anything. *insert sarcasm here*) where a dear fellow launch member shared her heart of not wanting people to miss out because of finances and how if everyone pooled their resources, we could try to get as many of us to Austin as possible. Ah, how sweet! But I had missed the deadline to be on the scholarship list. I thought that answered the idea of me going, but something made me comment anyways and I was put on the waitlist. You guys. There were 27 (27!!!!!) people that were able to come to the party because the generosity in this group covered part or all of their trip.

So, to recap, the group pretty much sucked me in, converted me and was helping to pay for me to come join everyone in Austin. Does that sound creepy? Don't be scared, I promise I'm not now part of a cult. I also promise I'll write a second post all about my trip soon! :) (I think this is what you call a teaser? Now you have to come back to read all about my trip. hee hee)

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