Losing Hope, Jack Johnson
I really like Jack Johnson. I feel a bit alone on this amongst my friends, but I just don't care. His music feels to me like laying in a hammock on a sunny day. And I LOOOOVE me some hammocks. This song isn't exactly happy, but it still embodies the mellow vibe that weaves it's way through Jack Johnson's music. I don't know how to explain it. I love the drums and bass in this song especially. SO much. Oh, and I like how he changes the chorus at the end. Good stuff.
Regulate, Warren G
I am so hardcore. That's really the only way to explain this song choice. Ha ha! I've just always liked this song. The bass is awesome and I love the beat. It became a guaranteed favorite when my first baby busted out his booty shaking moves every time we'd play it for a good chunk of time there when he was very little. Babies and g-funk, it's how I roll yo.
Smells like teen spirit, Nirvana
Pretty much all through high school, I refused to listen to anything but grunge/alternative music. This song is classic. I am a bit more eclectic in my music choices now (as you can see by this list), but this song still kicks ass. Whoa, I just said ass. Maybe I am hardcore.
Song for the dumped, Ben Folds Five
So, um, if you thought my use of "ass" was bad, please don't listen to this song. It's a little, how you say, rougher on the language front than most of the songs on my list. I don't generally like swearing in my music. And no, I can't relate to this song on the bitter, angry, dumpee level either. But I still think it's awesome. I love the way Folds is just pounding the crap out of the piano and it sounds amazing. I love how this song is angry and aggressive and FUNNY. The world would be a better place if people wrote bitter break up songs like this instead of writing bitter break up posts on facebook, amiright?
Queen of hearts, Juice Newton
Growing up, my mom only listened to country and oldies. I went through a phase where I acted like my ears were going to bleed each time my mom turned on her music in high school, but I joke and say I either had to come around to being more open-minded or go crazy. This is one of the songs I remember my mom listening to a lot. I can picture her dancing around the house, playing Juice Newton. This song is a bit goofy (just a bit, ha ha) but it makes me happy. And her name is JUICE Newton. Come on, that rocks.
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