There was a day, probably about two weeks ago now, that was nice out and it was before our glorious 5 days in a row without rain. So, we were motivated to get the boys outside for as long as possible, to say the least. Who knew when a chance to play would come again? It was going to be nicest later in the afternoon, so we waited to go out until after lunch and decided we would push Kellen's nap time to a little later. Let's just say our day confirmed that boy needs his sleep! ha ha There was raking and playing in the dirt, stomp rocket launches, "motoring" and "weedeling" (mowing and weedeating), building the trampoline enclosure and then plenty of jumping now that the trampoline is officially open for business. And popsicles. And tears. And I took pictures of it all.

Essential boy items - trampoline and stomp rocket! So fun.