I can't believe Gavin is already two months old. He is quite the little charmer. He loves people talking to him and is quite generous with his smiles and coos. Brady and Kellen are still quite taken with him, Brady more so. That boy just loves babies! The other day, I had gotten out of the shower but was still in the bathroom and overheard something like the following conversation:
Brady- "When are we going to have another baby?"
Alex- "I think Gavin will probably be our last baby unless God wants us to have another one."
Brady- "Can I pray to God for another baby?"
Alex- "Sure, you can ask God for another baby brother if you want."
Brady- "Well, it could be a girl next time..."
So sweet!

Oh my! That is soooo sweet. I love your family. I can't believe how much Gavin has already grown! Can't wait to see you!