It seems like both boys are growing so much each and every day. It's exciting and kinda sad at the same time. Brady is talking SO much. He is constantly trying out new words and copying everything Alex and I say. It is very entertaining to witness him exploring language but can be very frustrating when I don't know what he's saying because it could be anything now, not just one of the handful of words he was using. He also has been much more interested in coloring as of late. He use to just scribble a few lines on each page of his coloring book and be done in like two minutes. Now though, he can spend a good chunk of time coloring and he even tries to color specific parts of a picture. He does really well when he concentrates. Any sort of headlights or eyes in his Thomas or Cars coloring books are his favorite thing to color.
He is also a great big brother. He loves to say "bless you baby" when Kellen sneezes (or coughs or makes any sort of noise that could be mistaken for a sneeze) and "baby crying" whenever he hears Kellen and we haven't done anything about it yet. He is very gentle and gives his brother lots of hugs and kisses everyday. Kellen loves when Brady comes and talks to him. Brady has even got him smiling and doing his little laughing thing. I tried to get it on video, but of course by the time I got the camera, Brady was much too interested in something else to be bothered. He also really enjoys "holding" Kellen. Kellen pretty much just lays there across his lap but Brady is always sad when I move him. I'm very excited to see how their relationship grows as they each get older.
Kellen is really starting to fill out. We don't have another appt. until the middle of February, so I don't really know what he weighs but he's starting to get the fat rolls on his thighs and arms. I love it! He is trying to figure out his hands too. He likes to suck/gnaw on his fists and he is starting to get much better at getting his fist to his mouth to do so. It's pretty fun to watch. We'll probably also be putting Kellen in his own room soon. He's ready and he can be so loud when he's sleeping! He makes these grunting noises and he sounds like a little gremlin. Either that or my mom's old dog, Mini. Alex says we should record his noises and sell them to Hollywood for special effects.
I leave you with a video clip of Alex and Brady trying out the new basketball hoop. I love how Brady is trying to figure out how to dribble the ball when it's bouncing away from him. Yeah, I think my kid is pretty stinkin' cute. :)
Way to put the hardwoods to use - He seems to grasp the shooting concept a little better than Taylor. Her range is limited to dunks.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part is when Alex asks at the end if mommy can have a turn and he says NO!