Can you guess where we had the camera last?.............. The Seahawks game!! I had taken it but then I didn't want to take it into the stadium, so, I left it in the car. Out of the eyesight of any potential thieves. And the camera owners. Apparently the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" is really, really true. At least in my case.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The story of the missing camera
Can you guess where we had the camera last?.............. The Seahawks game!! I had taken it but then I didn't want to take it into the stadium, so, I left it in the car. Out of the eyesight of any potential thieves. And the camera owners. Apparently the phrase "out of sight, out of mind" is really, really true. At least in my case.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Best job ever.
I am just so thankful that God starts us off with sweet little babies that we can snuggle and love, that love us so much, despite how often we mess up. Can you imagine if he started us off with teenagers? Yikes.
I am even more thankful that God is my strength and I don't have to try to do this parenting thing on my own. Even though I get distracted and try. Because I fail. So hard. Yet, God is there with forgiveness. With strength, patience and that knock-your-socks-off kind of love that can only come from him. For me, and for him to give my kids through me. Wow.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Long time, no post
Kellen is now almost 11 months old. I cannot believe it. His being super tiny doesn't help it feel all that real. He had his 9 month check up and was in the 1st percentile for his weight, the 11th percentile for his length and (drum roll please) the 65th percentile for his head circumfrence. Gotta love my big-headed boys! :) Kellen is walking so much more now and he's been using signs more and more to communicate with us. It's great. He knows the signs for eat, more, milk and sleep and sometimes all done. He isn't too consistent on the last one.
Brady has been trying to earn the privilege of sleeping on the top bunk of his bunkbed. He has a chart and gets a sticker to put on his chart whenever he does a good job of obeying and staying in bed at naptime or bedtime. It's not going so well. He's really excited about the reward, and the idea of earning his stickers. Something just isn't translating to him actually staying in bed on a consistent basis. Oh well.
As Kellen is getting bigger, he and Brady are starting to play more together. I managed to capture a rare moment of spontaneous sharing.

We've been having fun doing some fall type activities lately. Krista and I took Brady, Kellen and Bentley to an apple cider mill with some of the other moms in the community. It was pretty fun, but I was disappointed we didn't get to see how they made the cider. We got to see some animals though and even feed some goats!

We also had fun playing in the leaves recently. I've discovered we had a scary leaf monster lurking in our pile of leaves. :)

I'll probably be blogging again soon. I'm very excited to show off our halloween costumes. :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Future stunt double?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Busy, busy!
Brady's birthday party was a lot of wet, crazy fun. He was so excited to have so many friends over and be able to be playing in the water outside. He still talks about his "happy party". I was surprised none of the kids seemed too interested in the slip 'n' slide. Brady warmed up to it after seeing some of us grown-ups using it two days in a row. He let Drew push him down on his belly and then it was all over. He was hooked. After Brady's birthday part, we got to go to the Rainier's game with Nick and Renee. I was very happy to have the opportunity to experience the amazing seats Alex had described myself. I was not disappointed! It was pretty freakin' sweet, even though we had to leave early.
Kellen is as cute as ever. Alex and I are really enjoying how cuddly he is since Brady was SO not into snuggling as a baby. Kellen loves giving wet, sloppy kisses which frequently transform into him eating your face. He is also quite good at blowing raspberries. Including the kind on our bare shoulders or legs. He's made some pretty impressive farting noises that way. Such skill. And at such a young age. I'm so proud! (sniff, sniff)
This last week was full of Whitney's wedding activities and wedding. It was such a blast! A flurry of activities, laughing hysterically and LOTS of dancing. I loved her friends from college and it's sad that all the festivities are over and I probably won't see them again. :( The wedding itself was so beautiful and I feel so privileged to have been a part of it. Ah, man. I'm getting all emotional again. Well, here are some pictures from the recent happenings in our lives.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
It's already July?! Dang!
Kellen is now 7 months old. He's getting cuter everyday, in my humble opinion. He has been giving psuedo kisses. It's very sweet. And wet. ha ha He's now using a combo of "real" crawling up on his hands and knees and his patented army-crawl-wiggle-worm move to get around. And he is still pulling up on everything and getting better at sitting himself down on his butt instead of falling on his head. That's always good.
We're planning Brady's 3rd birthday party. It's craziness! So, I was talking to Brady about his birthday party and trying to get his input on what kind of party he wanted to have. After a lot of "happy birthday" answers, he replied with "brown birthday party". I still haven't figured out what that means exactly, but it was pretty amusing. He also got to experience his first fireworks this year. Previous years, there has been NO way we were keeping him up that late. He loved them! I'm pretty sure he thinks we should have fireworks every day of the year.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fun weekend

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Baseball adventure
Last week, my friend Nick asked if we wanted to go to the Tacoma Rainiers game at Cheney Stadium. Brady and I took him up on the offer. Since it was a Thursday night, Kathy was out (she hosts So You Think You Can Dance parties at our house that night). Brady was super excited for the days leading up to the game and I was also very excited about taking Brady to his first baseball game, although a bit skeptical about how Brady would do in that environment. Brady is a very active boy, and likes to be mobile, not to mention the game started just a little bit before his normal bedtime. I told Nick beforehand I had no idea if we would last two innings or the whole game. We met Nick and his friend and headed over to the will call to pick up the tickets he was given for the game. At this point, he mentions he got these tickets from the parents of a kid he tutors, who, oh by the way, happen to have the last name Cheney and are the same family that the stadium is named after! Not only did they give him tickets to the game, they gave him their box seats for the game, which were like the best seats in the house! It couldn’t have worked out any better for Brady's first game. Brady and I had like six seats in the first row (right on the field next to the Rainiers’ dugout) for him to be able to run around in and almost not be in others’ way. There were a few ladies in the box seats next to us that were very gracious with Brady as he continued to invade their space. These seats were super awesome for me as well, because it was fun being so close to the players. A couple times I was able to hear players come back from their at bat and talk to other players about how the pitcher was throwing certain pitches, etc. We also had a few memorable moments from the game. Brady’s favorite part of the experience was seeing the mascots. Between one inning the mascots were running around throwing frisbee’s into the stands. The nice lady next to us spoke up as the mascot was throwing them to have them throw Brady a Frisbee. The mascot ended up throwing it to her, who in turn gave it to Brady. Brady was excited to get a Frisbee.
Jamie Burke (catcher for the Rainiers/Mariners) wasn’t playing in the game but he was sitting on the dugout steps which happened to be directly in front of us. Brady was taking a drink from our water bottle when the bottle slipped out of his hands and splashed as it hit the ground at his feet. Not a big deal EXCEPT it also happened to splash Jamie Burke! He turned around and looked trying to figure out what exactly happened. I said sorry to him and he went back to watching the game. (side note: Jamie Burke was called up the Mariners a few days later and in that game he hit a two run home run to lead the M’s to a win that night. So, if any other Rainiers are reading and want my son to spill water on them, let me know! ) One of Brady’s favorite spots was standing up on the footrest at the fence to the field so he would put his head over and look at who knows what (field? Into the dugout?). I had a number of players tell me they were worried he would get hit with a foul ball. Little did they know I think my son’s head is made of whatever that stuff Wolverine is made out of! In case CPS is reading this blog, I had my baseball glove on and was ready to catch any foul ball coming our way. Brady doesn’t have his own glove yet, but I brought Kathy’s glove for him to wear, which he did for short periods. The other memorable moment I didn’t even really see. It was between innings and Brady was in his favorite spot looking over the barrier while I was looking back talking to Nick. Next thing I know, Brady turns around and has a baseball in his mitt! I have no idea who in the dugout gave him the ball, but thanks to whoever it was! Brady was super excited to get the ball. A little too excited as I had to chase him around a bit and get the ball before he threw it on the field or at someone who wasn’t ready for it.
All in all, we lasted 5 ½ innings, not too shabby for his first game if I say so myself. At that point, he said he was ready to go home. So, he came away with a Frisbee and a baseball, had the best seats in the house, interacted with players, and had room to run around and play near our seats. I don’t think Nick thought I was having much fun (or just felt bad because I wasn’t able to watch the game much) since I spent most of my time redirecting and watching Brady, but Nick, if you are reading this, I had so much fun! Really! I also had to convince my friend Leif later on when recounting this story, that despite me not being able to pay attention much to the baseball game as I would have liked, that I did have fun as well.
Anyway, thanks to the Rainiers and Nick for making the experience a special one!
Monday, June 8, 2009
This and that
Brady has been doing really well lately. He's getting so vocal, speaking in full sentences and we have really been enjoying getting a little bit more of a glimpse of what goes on inside that head of his. I really need to do better at writing down the funny things he says or capturing them on video. It's just so hard to recreate his cuteness! He has been using the potty more and more and has even been running up to me on his own, exclaiming "Pee pee in potty!" and then actually goes when he gets to the toilet. I never knew I could be so excited about anything relating to a toilet. He has also been doing a much better job at staying in his bed at nap/bed time and he no longer needs the gates up to keep him in his room! Woo hoo! I've included some recent pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Freakin' insane
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A little somethin' somethin'
Brady continues to be hugely entertaining, incredibly sweet and an incredibly huge test to my patience, usually in the same day, sometimes in the same hour. I really need to do better at writing down more of the things he says/does. His latest obsession is his friend Alli. She is nudging Noah over to share the top "obsession" spot. If we're going anywhere, it's "Alli house?". He talks about wanting Alli to feel better (she was sick, like, three weeks ago) every few days. And when you are talking to him, he'll randomly throw her name into the conversation if you ask him a question. Even just this morning, Krista asked him what he wanted to play and his response was "Alli. Alli toys." It's pretty funny. I love that he is starting to show concern for other people- his friends when they get sick and when I bump something and make noise or say "ow", he quickly asks "Mommy okay?". What a sweet boy.
I'll leave you with an amusing story. I went in awhile back to check on Brady before turning in for the night and while I was picking something up, he shifted in his sleep. Right off of his bed. Into the position you see in the picture below. I couldn't believe he didn't wake up. I'm just glad I thought to grab the camera.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Jam session
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Time flies

In other news, Kellen has officially started eating rice cereal. He's only had it two times, but he likes it! I have a video I'll post when I get around to getting on the computer. He is very excited about it, he just has to figure out how to swallow the stuff! He is also starting to really enjoy his jumper thing (the one that goes in the doorway). Which I'm excited about because he's not digging his little bouncy seat very much anymore.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter egg hunt
Constant entertainment
1. He has a toy microphone and was going around the house "singing" all morning. (singing = yelling into the mic) I guess he decided hanging on to the mic was too much work or something because the next time I turned around I found he'd come up with this clever way to be hands-free. The second picture is him singing into the mic- no need to remove it from it's handy new holder!
2. Brady was coloring. I heard him say something about taking off his sock. I turned around and found him with the marker wedged between his toes. I'm pretty certain he's never seen this done before.
3. I don't know if you can watch a show in any cooler fashion.

4. These last pictures are not necessarily funny, but just too cute. It was actually nice here and we went outside to enjoy the sun. Brady had lots of fun using sidewalk chalk and I had lots of fun taking his picture and watching him be cute.
family date
Monday, March 30, 2009
Some fun video
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I had put Brady in his carseat at nap time after one too many times of trying to convince him to stay in his bed. I went back in to check on him and he trying to say something to me about his diaper. I take a moment to try to figure it out and for a moment am completely confused. He looks completely normal- fully clothed, still strapped in. Then I glance to the side of his carseat. His diaper is laying on the floor. I look back at him to double check that I'm seeing everything correctly. Yep, pants on, fully strapped in. I'm not exactly sure how he did it, but he has pulled off Hansel's infamous runway move. I was impressed.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Microfiber couches and other things I love
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ho hum.
Anywho, Kellen and I had a great time in San Diego with Layci. First, we got to spend time with Layci. That would make it awesome, period. Then, add in a few days of nice, warm sunshine, actually laying out by the pool (!!) and yummy food and you've pretty much hit a home run. So, yeah. Good stuff. Kellen loved all the undivided attention.
I am very much enjoying the different stages the boys are in right now. Kellen loves to be held and talked to and will smile and laugh at you, which is just awesome. He has also found his hands and would be happy if he could have them in his mouth at all times. He is still trying to figure out how to manuver them though. He also loves to kick his legs all the time. I'm thinking of letting him try the jumper thing soon. (how crazy is it that he's getting old enough for that?!) Brady is as entertaining as ever. He has a great sense of humor and I am loving being able to see his little personality coming out as his vocabulary grows. And grows. And grows. It's crazy how much he talks that I can actually understand!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
We started off the month by having a Super Bowl party and getting some of the area neighbors to come over that we either didn't know at all, or not very well. It went pretty well, in my opinion. It was a bit of a meager attempt, but I'm proud of us for branching out anyways. We really do want to get to know our neighbors and have an open, inviting house- even when that pushes us far beyond our comfort zone.
The following Friday was my 30th (crazy!!) birthday and Kellen and I left to go on the women's retreat for the weekend. We stayed in these "cottages" in Seabrook, Washington (which is right by Pacific Beach and Ocean Shores). Our "cottage" was a really nice, roomy and very nicely furnished three-story house. I was surprised with flowers and a letter from my very sweet hubby and the South end ladies blessed me with a very generous gift certificate to a salon and spa and a dance party with my very own strobe light. Saturday dawned sunny and gorgeous!! It was so perfect to have a beautiful day to enjoy the beach. It was a great weekend of refreshing and connecting with God and some South End ladies.
This last weekend, Valentine's day weekend, Alex and I got to get away together for the weekend. Well, we also had Kellen, but it was still very relaxing. Grandma and G.G. came and Brady had a grand time being the center of attention and playing out in the dirt with worms and everything! We were able to stay at our friend's cabin on Heron Island (it's a little private island off the Key Penninsula) and enjoyed time reading, watching movies (uninterrupted, imagine that!) and looking for cool rocks and seashells down by the water.
The rest of February should prove to be just as eventful. This Thursday is Kellen's two month check-up and he'll get his first shots. My mom and Dennis might be coming to visit this next weekend and the following weekend Kellen and I are flying to San Diego to spend time with Layci! I am very excited!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Packing himself in mamma's bag.
Brady found the hat and put it on himself. Here he is practicing his "blue steel".
And my personal favorite (he was fully clothed and did NOT have slippers on when I left him)....
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Oh the joy.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A random assortment of information
He is also a great big brother. He loves to say "bless you baby" when Kellen sneezes (or coughs or makes any sort of noise that could be mistaken for a sneeze) and "baby crying" whenever he hears Kellen and we haven't done anything about it yet. He is very gentle and gives his brother lots of hugs and kisses everyday. Kellen loves when Brady comes and talks to him. Brady has even got him smiling and doing his little laughing thing. I tried to get it on video, but of course by the time I got the camera, Brady was much too interested in something else to be bothered. He also really enjoys "holding" Kellen. Kellen pretty much just lays there across his lap but Brady is always sad when I move him. I'm very excited to see how their relationship grows as they each get older.
Kellen is really starting to fill out. We don't have another appt. until the middle of February, so I don't really know what he weighs but he's starting to get the fat rolls on his thighs and arms. I love it! He is trying to figure out his hands too. He likes to suck/gnaw on his fists and he is starting to get much better at getting his fist to his mouth to do so. It's pretty fun to watch. We'll probably also be putting Kellen in his own room soon. He's ready and he can be so loud when he's sleeping! He makes these grunting noises and he sounds like a little gremlin. Either that or my mom's old dog, Mini. Alex says we should record his noises and sell them to Hollywood for special effects.
I leave you with a video clip of Alex and Brady trying out the new basketball hoop. I love how Brady is trying to figure out how to dribble the ball when it's bouncing away from him. Yeah, I think my kid is pretty stinkin' cute. :)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Happy moments...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
All by myself....
Wow, that was a tangent. Where's the sock? (Hannah, I'm sure you'll be the only one who gets that) Anywho, for my first day on the job (he he), it has been a pretty great day so far. Brady slept until 8 and Kellen didn't wake up to eat until 9. Sweet. And Kellen is starting to really be smiley after he eats in the morning. (oh,no! could he be a morning person? yikes!) And he's even starting to have this little laughing noise that he does that is just about the cutest thing ever. I tried to get it on video but realized I was out of tape! Bummer. Overall, I am feeling like I just might be able to do this. Let's hope the feeling isn't too fleeting. :)