I think I deserve an award or something. I really have
thought about writing a blog entry many times really, I just haven't done it. In over 3 months. Impressive, if I do say so myself. So, I'm writing about a few of the things we have been doing over the last few months. And maybe my New Year's resolution should be to blog more consistently. You know, if I actually made resolutions. :)
We went to the
Puyallup Fair. The boys got their faces painted- Brady picked out a dragon and chose pink and yellow as his colors all by himself. Kellen's red ladybug was chosen by Grandma.

Kellen was much more interested in looking at the animal barns than Brady. But when we got to the petting zoo area, he wasn't so sure about the goats. By about the third goat, he was in love!

Brady went on rides for the first time. He, of course, was an instant fan. His favorite was the roller coaster, although he
did request (and was promptly denied) to go on the human slingshot AND the extreme scream. My little daredevil.

Pumpkin carving! Kellen seemed to like the pumpkin guts, while Brady didn't like the "slimey-ness" on his hands. (For being all boy, he sure does hate getting dirty!) Brady even helped me make a few cuts on our pumpkin face and loved it!

Lindsay and I combined creative forces again this year for our Halloween costumes and decked our families out as the crew from Alice in Wonderland featuring the Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, the March Hare, Alice, the Cheshire Cat and the White Rabbit. Brady had his role down pat on the night of Halloween, running from house to house, while repeating "I'm late, I'm late!" over and over.

We also travelled to Blaine for Thanksgiving this year. We were able to rent a park model unit at this place called Beachwood and it worked out quite well to have space for all of us. The boys and I even went into the pool for a little bit. We all enjoyed being able to stay for the weekend.