Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I confess, I'm not the best about getting the laundry folded right when it comes out of the dryer, oh, about 99.9% of the time. But the fact that the basket of clean clothes provides so many "hats" for Kellen (his favorite are Brady's underwear....hey, they're CLEAN!) to keep him entertained for hours (okay, minutes, and that's only if the phone doesn't ring. ha ha) doesn't help motivate me to change my ways.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

G-L-A-M- oh, never mind....

I often joke about how being a mom has to be one of the most glamorous jobs one could have and this last week I was reminding of why that is. Sit back and enjoy my tale......

It was bath night and Brady had gotten out of the tub to go to bed and I was finishing up with Kellen when he peed in the tub. I got him out quickly and decided that he could have some "naked time". I am usually wary to trust my child without a diaper on, but I figured it was pretty safe because I knew he had just peed. So, we went downstairs and joined Hannah in the living room, where she was watching Project Runway. I was watching Kellen pretty closely because, well, he was naked! (or at least, I thought I was watching closely, I really did!) Hannah was also keeping an eye on him. Everyone knows you can't trust a naked baby. After about five minutes, I made Kellen come over and put him in his diaper and pajamas for bed. At this point, I shifted my focus away from Kellen and onto Project Runway. He was in a diaper now and needed much less supervision. A few minutes passed and Kellen came over to me like he had something to give to me, so, naturally, I held out my hand. You can imagine my surprise when he placed a fresh, warm log of poo in my upturned palm! POO!! I grabbed his hand that had had the poop in it with my empty hand and then was stuck. I cried out "Hannah, help!". Hannah sprang into action, while questioning what in the world happened and dying laughing. (she's quite the multi-tasker) Everything was swiftly cleaned up and taken care of, but we still don't know when/where he did his business. It had to have been the fastest poop ever! I am still getting over the shock of my little "present", but there are so many much, much worse ways this could have gone, I have to say I'm thankful that he just brought it to me! And that is a glimpse into my life- thankfulness for poop in my hand....and a lot of laughing!