We have officially moved the boys into the same room after a successful test run. Brady is doing so well at going to bed and being quiet so he doesn't wake up Kellen (who goes to bed earlier). We've had to change up rest time for Brady since Kellen is usually napping. He works on some worksheets and mazes for 30 min., then reads in our bed for 3o min. I think this is a HUGE improvement since he's actually being quiet and resting. (before he was playing "quietly" in his room and then "reading") Which brings me to the fact that Brady has started working on his letters and numbers. He loves tracing the letters and working on his writing. It's pretty awesome.

Of course, Kellen wants to do everything Brady does, so here's a shot of him "working" too. (Also, he is no longer happy with pretend writing and pleads with us to take the cap off for him to draw several times a day.)

And for those of you that are curious about the clothes strewn around our kitchen- we got some hand-me-down clothes and instead of putting them away right away, I let the boys play with them. They kept Brady entertained for hours! ha ha Okay, it wasn't that long but it was wonderful!