Saturday, February 27, 2010

I SO fail.

I really do think of posting a blog on here a lot. I think to myself "Self, you haven't posted anything in a very long time.". I have even sat down to do it once or twice and found myself distracted by one thing or another. And it's not always because I have two small children screaming (most often literally) for my attention. I am pretty sure the real reason is that I have no tangible proof that anyone reads this. No comments. So there is no motivation. I really do know this is lame. Forgive me. I will try to be better.
So, to give a quick recap of our last month or so.....hmmmm....
Kellen finally has another tooth! You can kind of see it in this picture, on the bottom.

He is talking up a storm. He's been saying "Brady (how cute is that?!), doggie, hi and bye and he attempts many others. It's so crazy! He's favorite books right now are Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Doggies (a counting book by Sandra Boynton). He's a little obsessed with doggies. We went to the park when Oma and GG were visiting and Kellen had a blast walking around meeting and petting doggies. I even heard Alex say *gasp* he might be a little more motivated to get a dog if he keeps this up. He pretty much loves all animals and was super ecstatic last time we were at the zoo. It's so fun to watch him!Brady has been having a lot of fun lately getting out of the house to have playdates instead of just going on errands. One of the moms in our community has been awesome and is organizing these Monday playdates around Tacoma. We've ridden the Link lightrail and explored downtown,

gone to the super sweet Ft. Steilacoom park,

visited the zoo

and played at a playground in Pt. Defiance

-all in the last month! What a feat! (at least for me.)
I have been trying to be more consistent in being physically active and have been running fairly regularly with Krista and sometimes Lindsay, and even my new friend Beatrice joined us once. I've made it to running 2 miles non-stop and am quite proud of myself. I have also been really enjoying taking and editing pictures. Hopefully you have enjoyed the fruits of my labor. Most recently, I was treated to an amazing night of dancing and fun with some great girlfriends for my birthday. It was an amazing treat and a big surprise. I am definitely loved!