Kellen is now almost 11 months old. I cannot believe it. His being super tiny doesn't help it feel all that real. He had his 9 month check up and was in the 1st percentile for his weight, the 11th percentile for his length and (drum roll please) the 65th percentile for his head circumfrence. Gotta love my big-headed boys! :) Kellen is walking so much more now and he's been using signs more and more to communicate with us. It's great. He knows the signs for eat, more, milk and sleep and sometimes all done. He isn't too consistent on the last one.
Brady has been trying to earn the privilege of sleeping on the top bunk of his bunkbed. He has a chart and gets a sticker to put on his chart whenever he does a good job of obeying and staying in bed at naptime or bedtime. It's not going so well. He's really excited about the reward, and the idea of earning his stickers. Something just isn't translating to him actually staying in bed on a consistent basis. Oh well.
As Kellen is getting bigger, he and Brady are starting to play more together. I managed to capture a rare moment of spontaneous sharing.

We've been having fun doing some fall type activities lately. Krista and I took Brady, Kellen and Bentley to an apple cider mill with some of the other moms in the community. It was pretty fun, but I was disappointed we didn't get to see how they made the cider. We got to see some animals though and even feed some goats!

We also had fun playing in the leaves recently. I've discovered we had a scary leaf monster lurking in our pile of leaves. :)

I'll probably be blogging again soon. I'm very excited to show off our halloween costumes. :)