Jamie Burke (catcher for the Rainiers/Mariners) wasn’t playing in the game but he was sitting on the dugout steps which happened to be directly in front of us. Brady was taking a drink from our water bottle when the bottle slipped out of his hands and splashed as it hit the ground at his feet. Not a big deal EXCEPT it also happened to splash Jamie Burke! He turned around and looked trying to figure out what exactly happened. I said sorry to him and he went back to watching the game. (side note: Jamie Burke was called up the Mariners a few days later and in that game he hit a two run home run to lead the M’s to a win that night. So, if any other Rainiers are reading and want my son to spill water on them, let me know! ) One of Brady’s favorite spots was standing up on the footrest at the fence to the field so he would put his head over and look at who knows what (field? Into the dugout?). I had a number of players tell me they were worried he would get hit with a foul ball. Little did they know I think my son’s head is made of whatever that stuff Wolverine is made out of! In case CPS is reading this blog, I had my baseball glove on and was ready to catch any foul ball coming our way. Brady doesn’t have his own glove yet, but I brought Kathy’s glove for him to wear, which he did for short periods. The other memorable moment I didn’t even really see. It was between innings and Brady was in his favorite spot looking over the barrier while I was looking back talking to Nick. Next thing I know, Brady turns around and has a baseball in his mitt! I have no idea who in the dugout gave him the ball, but thanks to whoever it was! Brady was super excited to get the ball. A little too excited as I had to chase him around a bit and get the ball before he threw it on the field or at someone who wasn’t ready for it.
All in all, we lasted 5 ½ innings, not too shabby for his first game if I say so myself. At that point, he said he was ready to go home. So, he came away with a Frisbee and a baseball, had the best seats in the house, interacted with players, and had room to run around and play near our seats. I don’t think Nick thought I was having much fun (or just felt bad because I wasn’t able to watch the game much) since I spent most of my time redirecting and watching Brady, but Nick, if you are reading this, I had so much fun! Really! I also had to convince my friend Leif later on when recounting this story, that despite me not being able to pay attention much to the baseball game as I would have liked, that I did have fun as well.
Anyway, thanks to the Rainiers and Nick for making the experience a special one!