Well, I found the cord I need to upload video to our computer, so I thought I would treat you to some video goodness. The first video is of Brady singing "Wheels on the bus" to Kellen and it turns into peek-a-boo. Very cute, if I do say so myself. The second is of Kellen performing his latest feat. (He's actually quite good at it, which is a little frightening considering his not yet four months old and he hasn't spent as much time on the floor as Brady due to the lack of carpeting downstairs! I fear I could be in for it.)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Brady has accomplished what Zoolander himself could not. Let me explain....
I had put Brady in his carseat at nap time after one too many times of trying to convince him to stay in his bed. I went back in to check on him and he trying to say something to me about his diaper. I take a moment to try to figure it out and for a moment am completely confused. He looks completely normal- fully clothed, still strapped in. Then I glance to the side of his carseat. His diaper is laying on the floor. I look back at him to double check that I'm seeing everything correctly. Yep, pants on, fully strapped in. I'm not exactly sure how he did it, but he has pulled off Hansel's infamous runway move. I was impressed.
I had put Brady in his carseat at nap time after one too many times of trying to convince him to stay in his bed. I went back in to check on him and he trying to say something to me about his diaper. I take a moment to try to figure it out and for a moment am completely confused. He looks completely normal- fully clothed, still strapped in. Then I glance to the side of his carseat. His diaper is laying on the floor. I look back at him to double check that I'm seeing everything correctly. Yep, pants on, fully strapped in. I'm not exactly sure how he did it, but he has pulled off Hansel's infamous runway move. I was impressed.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Microfiber couches and other things I love
I just finished licking the brownie bowl clean. Maybe it's not the healthiest choice, and maybe I shouldn't be admitting to that, but boy are my taste buds happy! I also just wiped down our couch. (not at the same time and one was not the result of the other) And I was reminded of how much I LOVE our couch. When the salesman told us how easy it would be to clean, he wasn't just feeding us a line! I cannot even imagine what it would look like between my messy self and two young boys prone to making all sorts of messes. (maybe it's a genetic thing?) All I have to do is wipe it down with a damp cloth. Seriously, if you are in the market for a couch, I would highly recommend you put microfiber on your list of things to consider. The last thing I've been just doing is dancing around the kitchen listening to pandora.com. Which brings me to two more things I love- 1. Pandora. Being able to listen to my High School Musical station one minute (yes, you read that correctly.) and my Weezer station the next makes me extremely happy, especially considering how ADD I can be when it comes to music sometimes. 2. Having small children gives you a reason to dance around the kitchen like a huge dork. "What? I was just entertaining Brady." Of course, not having children didn't really prevent me from doing this. I guess it just gives me extra incentive. And Brady eagerly joins in. Alex was never as willing of a participant.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ho hum.
So, I have lost the cord I need to use to upload video onto the computer. Which means no video for you of my children being their adorable selves. I know, you're sad. I hope to find it soon. I don't have much motivation to write much, but feel like I should. Like maybe our family is actually checking this to keep updated on the kiddos and yet not leaving any comments ever. (hint, hint....if you ARE reading this, let me know)
Anywho, Kellen and I had a great time in San Diego with Layci. First, we got to spend time with Layci. That would make it awesome, period. Then, add in a few days of nice, warm sunshine, actually laying out by the pool (!!) and yummy food and you've pretty much hit a home run. So, yeah. Good stuff. Kellen loved all the undivided attention.

I am very much enjoying the different stages the boys are in right now. Kellen loves to be held and talked to and will smile and laugh at you, which is just awesome. He has also found his hands and would be happy if he could have them in his mouth at all times. He is still trying to figure out how to manuver them though. He also loves to kick his legs all the time. I'm thinking of letting him try the jumper thing soon. (how crazy is it that he's getting old enough for that?!) Brady is as entertaining as ever. He has a great sense of humor and I am loving being able to see his little personality coming out as his vocabulary grows. And grows. And grows. It's crazy how much he talks that I can actually understand!
Anywho, Kellen and I had a great time in San Diego with Layci. First, we got to spend time with Layci. That would make it awesome, period. Then, add in a few days of nice, warm sunshine, actually laying out by the pool (!!) and yummy food and you've pretty much hit a home run. So, yeah. Good stuff. Kellen loved all the undivided attention.
The beach and the ocean are behind us. No, really.
Kellen lounging in the hotel.
I am very much enjoying the different stages the boys are in right now. Kellen loves to be held and talked to and will smile and laugh at you, which is just awesome. He has also found his hands and would be happy if he could have them in his mouth at all times. He is still trying to figure out how to manuver them though. He also loves to kick his legs all the time. I'm thinking of letting him try the jumper thing soon. (how crazy is it that he's getting old enough for that?!) Brady is as entertaining as ever. He has a great sense of humor and I am loving being able to see his little personality coming out as his vocabulary grows. And grows. And grows. It's crazy how much he talks that I can actually understand!
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